Thursday, September 1, 2011

here's stuff ive found interesting to be preserved for easy futurte reference by myself

Secularism: Indian Istyle

Lot of Hindu bashing is going on recently under the garb of Secularism in India. To give a correct picture here are some facts, figures and opinions.
1. When Shri Y B Chavan was Home Minister he collected data of 23 major communal riots occurred after independence. The truth came out showed that out of 23 major riots, 22 were started by Muslims. Though one exceptional riot was not started by Hindus, there was no conclusive proof that it was started by Muslims. The recent communal riots in Gujarat were also started by Muslims. To keep their tradition in tact thereafter, the communal riots in Akola and Kalyan (Maharashtra) were also started by Muslims.
2. Muslims do not require majority to start a riot. If they have sizable pockets of even 10 per cent, they start riots. When they have a majority, they totally wipe out the other community as they have done in Kashmir by crushing lakhs of Hindus. Invariably in all these riots more Hindus die than the Muslims. Hindus are killed by the Muslims by starting the riots and then again Hindus are killed in police firing when they try to retaliate. In recent communal riots in Gujarat in fortunately for the secularists more Muslims died than the Hindus. That is why there is so much hue and cry. According to the secularists all riots should be on Kashmir Pattern. That is for one death of a Muslim at least 100 Hindus must die in communal riots. That is secularism- Indian- Istyle. English media is playing a leading role in this secular game. And in that too among the print media The Times of India and among the electronic media Star News. Tops. Later Girilal Jain was an exception. Sometimes I wonder whether am I living in India or Pakistan?
3. But this phenomenon is not akin to India alone. Wherever there is Islam there is fundamentalism. Whether it is Algeria, Azarbaizan, Bosnia, Britain, Germany, Morroco, Phillipines, Somalia, or our neighbour Pakistan – the Macca of terrorism. After killing all Hindus, now in Pakistan they are killing comparatively progressive sects like Shias and Ahmedias. As if without killing Islam cannot survive.
4. Secularists use pet phrases like ‘Secular Muslim’ or ‘Hindu Fundamentalist’. Both these concepts are ridiculous. For the simple reason that a Muslim ceases to be a Muslim the moment he becomes secular and a Hindu ceases to be a Hindu the moment he becomes fundamentalist. If there are exceptions like Hamid Dalvai in the past and Muzzafar Hussain at present that prove the rules. What are the traits of a secular person? Firstly, he should be tolerant, secondly, he should be pluralist, thirdly, he should have respect for other faiths too, fourthly, he should be democratic, fifthly, he should be first an Indian and a humanitarian then anything else. All these traits are conspicuously absent in a Muslim and present in a Hindu.
5. The attack on WTC on 11/9/2001 in USA shocked the whole world. I was not shocked. But it surprised me because I expected it to happen in the 20th century not in the 21st century. I went abroad in 1975, where I came in contact with some members of the Pan Islamic movement. The information I gathered from them was horrible. According to them their network is spread throughout the world, their enemy No. one is Christianity and the states governed by people of Christian faith, because they are very powerful and rich and main threat to Islam. This Pan Islamic Movement is funded by all and sundry who have faith in Islam – from underworld to Muslim Celebrities to ordinary Muslims. Their Cadres come from Mdrassas. They have the capacity to destroy the whole world, but that is their last weapon, first they wanted to convert the whole world into Islamic faith. (To me both these things – to convert the world into Islamic faith or destroy it are one and the same thing).


NOTE: Every body feel free to copy this blog and make your own and put these articles on it and protect your dharma also you can sign up for google Adsense account and make some money but please use 50% of the money earned from such blog for the protection of dharma or feeding the poor, only money making should not be the purpose of the blog but it is offered to you to encourage the promotion of these articles as we want every hindu to read these articles and after somuch discussion we found above way is the best to reach our target audience, make sure you interpret the above paragraph correctly

also please aesaa koi kaam na karein jis se iss desh ke liye shahid hone walo kee aatma ko thes pahoche

thank you

How to be called as Intelligent in India?

For getting the status of an intellectual, the caste, religion, sex, age, language or any other regional or linguistic parameters are not a criteria.
  • It is easy to get the status, if you are a Hindu who always criticizes his own religion and sanathana dharma
  • Your education qualification, actual intelligence, vocabulary, position, etc do not have any bearing for getting the status.
  • You should always be little and denigrate Indian heritage and culture, whenever you get opportunity or even by creating opportunity.
  • Always make fun of Hindu dharma and ancient Hindu scholars, saffron colour, Omkar, temples and priests
  • You have to make the show that you have the authority to criticize Hindu dharma.
  • Try to find a good place in the electronic media screen and print media. Keep a charisma for attracting the media people; give them whatever they need for doing so. Keep the relation with them very strong.
  • Tell always the positives about other religion while degrading and denigrating Hindu dharma. * This will give a good image as an ‘impartial and unbiased scholar’
  • You will automatically become famous as a true secular leader and gain respect from other other intellectuals.
  • You should never quote anything from Indian heritage or ancient Indian books because it is cheap and unscientific to quote indigenous knowledge. Quote always the West, Russian, Chinese or even from Iraq leaders. If you are compelled to quote from India, quote only from Jawaharlal Nehru’s words.
  • Use as many quotations as possible from foreign and locals cholars of your status for denigrating Indian heritage and culture. Some good examples are strongly anti Hindu Harvard Sanskrit Professor Michael Witzel, marxist historian Romilla Thapar or Hindu baiter Kancha Iliah.
  • Never, never praise the past - present and future India.
  • Always share your views with the objective of further degrading our cultural heritage. And remember, tell all the memorable negatives about Hindu dharma so that people will appreciate you secular, rational and scientific vision which can even fetch you some awards.
  • Appreciate only foreign scientists and scholars, if possible from the West or communist countries.
  • Belittle and denigrate Indian scientific and technological heritage whenever and wherever possible and encourage younger generation to do so.
  • Always be the first to put the first signature in anti Hindu pro-minority mass memorandum or petition, preferably in presence of the media photographers. * Do not follow law and order; this can get a place in media easily.
  • Make sure to tell good about Mother Teresa, Bukari Imam and St Xavier Francis, even though he has destroyed 480 temples and converted thousands of Goan Hindus to Christianity in Goa.
  • Create an image that you are also aware about what is happening around us. * Make the people aware that you know what are all happening in Iraq, Houston, Iran, Korea, Lanka and also in Mizoram. But never say any negative about Kashmir and Nagaland or the activities of the minorities in those States.
  • Tell anything negative about Military or police action in Kashmir or Nagaland making sure that you do not touch anything against minorities.
  • Even if you have to say something about minority fundamentalism, say that it is due to majority fundamentalism.
  • While delivering lectures to Christians tell that in the next janma you want to be Christian, to the Muslim audience tell that you want to become a Muslim, in the next janma. *Tell them, in your speech that Upanishads and Vedas are taken from Koran and Bible.
  • Try to attend ‘all religious meet” as a representative of Hinduism and tell negative about Hinduism. It will be printed in big letters in media. *Learn two or three lines from Koran or Bible and quote appropriately for getting the applause.
  • If you want to write a book there are many Christian writers who write about Hinduism, they will help you how to write on the subjects in which you are fully ignorant. * You can start writing against Hinduism first, with their help, so that the marketing is easy and building your career also becomes easy.
  • Many churches and Christian agents will help you directly and indirectly for propagating your anti Hindu messages.
  • Be in contact with the media people, whenever you are travelling. Build strong relationship with minority leaders during travelling from place to place. This relation will give you enormous credibility as an intellectual and will last for a long time.
In short remember, your success as an intellectual in India is directly proportional to your statements you make against Indian culture, tradition and religion. The more you look down upon it and talk well of minority religions, you will be respected by one and all.
(Originally received as a forward from IISH COMMUNICATION TEAM. ( Modified.)
NOTE: Every body feel free to copy this blog and make your own and put these articles on it and protect your dharma also you can sign up for google Adsense account and make some money but please use 50% of the money earned from such blog for the protection of dharma or feeding the poor, only money making should not be the purpose of the blog but it is offered to you to encourage the promotion of these articles as we want every hindu to read these articles and after somuch discussion we found above way is the best to reach our target audience, make sure you interpret the above paragraph correctly

also please aesaa koi kaam na karein jis se iss desh ke liye shahid hone walo kee aatma ko thes pahoche

thank you

Who owns media in India?

NDTV: A very popular TV news media is funded by Gospels of Charity in Spain supports Communism. Recently it has developed a soft corner towards Pakistan because Pakistan President has allowed only this channel to be aired in Pakistan. Indian CEO Prannoy Roy is co-brother of Prakash Karat, General Secretary of Communist party of India.
India Today which used to be the only national weekly who supported BJP is now bought by NDTV!! Since then the tone has changed drastically and turned into Hindu bashing.
CNN-IBN: This is 100 percent funded by Southern Baptist Church with its branches in all over the world with HQ in US. The Church annually allocates $800 million for promotion of its channel. Its Indian head is Rajdeep Sardesai and his wife Sagarika Ghosh.
Times group list: Times Of India, Mumbai - Mirror, Nav-Bharth Times, Stardust, Femina, Vijaya Times, Vijaya Karnataka, Times now (24- hour news channel) and many more. Times Group is owned by Bennet & Coleman. "World Christian Council" does 80 percent of the Funding, and an Englishman and an Italian equally share balance 20 percent. The Italian Robertio Mindo is a close relative of Sonia Gandhi.
Star TV: It is run by an Australian, who is supported by St. Peters Pontificial Church Melbourne.
Hindustan Times: Owned by Birla Group, but hands have changed since Shobana Bhartiya took over. Presently it is working in Collobration with Times Group.
The Hindu: English daily, started over 125 years has been recently taken over by Joshua Society, Berne, Switzerland. Indian Express: Divided into two groups.
The Indian Express and new Indian Express (southern edition). Acts Ministries has major stake in the Indian Express and later is still with the Indian counterpart.
Eeenadu: Still to date controlled by an Indian named Ramoji Rao. Ramoji Rao is connected with film industry and owns a huge studio in Andhra Pradesh.
Andhra Jyothi: TheJihadiparty of Hyderabad known as MIM along with a Congress Minister has purchased this Telgu daily very recently.
The Statesman: It is controlled by Communist Party of India. Kairal TV: It is controlled by Communist party of India (Marxist)
Mathrubhoomi: Leaders ofJihadiLeague and Communist leaders have major investment.
Asian Age and Deccan Chronicle: Is owned by a Saudi Arabian Company with its chief Editor M.J. Akbar.
The ownership explains the control of media in India by foreigners. The result is obvious.

And others that are not owned by media are heavily bribed by christian missionaries or being controlled by using influential contacts.


Hindus fostering the belief 'All Religions Are Equal' are betraying themselves!

The psyche of Hindus that ‘All Religions Are Equal’ is a centuries old misbelief. The reason for this being ignorance in the minds of Hindus about the principles and history of the Sanatan Hindu Dharma. A Hindu, brought up in the Sanatan Hindu tradition, cannot even imagine in his dreams that ‘In order to attain heaven any religion can advise the ritual of serial killing’.
For thousands of years, these religious persons (Islam, Christians) have carried out demonical killings of Hindus in a manner that can be described as ‘Neither in the Past nor in the Future’. (Means an event that has neither occurred in the past nor will occur in the future). In spite of this, the Hindu mind (psyche) asserts ‘there must be some mistake somewhere. Would religions like Christianity, Islam that have been advocated by Prophets advise committing of sins?’ The founders of those religions must have themselves not understood them properly, else how will religion advise killing? In such a disillusioned state of mind, he started painting a completely different picture of those religions (Islam and Christian) to himself and to those who believed in him. His concepts about such religion are different, rather, totally opposite from what those following and practicing it perceive it as. This picture, which was painted by the Hindu mind, must be wiped off. This picture was dangerous and self-deceiving, but he satisfied himself with it and refused to accept anything against his perception or the actually occurring events. He totally neglected it. Hence, he had no desire left to seek the truth about those religious concepts and thus, our noble Hindu souls prescribe that ‘there should be no objection to those Christians and Muslims desirous of reciting the Vishnusahastranaam or the Bhagavadgeeta whilst following their own religion!’
- His Holiness Gurudev Dr. Kateswamiji
Article from 'Ghanagarjit' April 2005

NOTE: Every body feel free to copy this blog and make your own and put these articles on it and protect your dharma also you can sign up for google Adsense account and make some money but please use 50% of the money earned from such blog for the protection of dharma or feeding the poor, only money making should not be the purpose of the blog but it is offered to you to encourage the promotion of these articles as we want every hindu to read these articles and after somuch discussion we found above way is the best to reach our target audience, make sure you interpret the above paragraph correctly

also please aesaa koi kaam na karein jis se iss desh ke liye shahid hone walo kee aatma ko thes pahoche

thank you

Shame on Indian Govt. and Media

This is Really Bad….In our own country ppl are burning our own flag………what the government is doing and what we as a citizen taking action on this?????

Indian Flag Burnt in Srinagar
Shame on Indian govt and Media also for not making it a breaking news

The only country of the world, where one can dare to burn the national flag..

All these become the masala breaking news of Indian news channels:

* If Tendulkar cuts the cake which is made to look like national flag, he is condemned.
* If Mandira Bedi wears a saree with the flags of all the countries being portrayed on that, is made to apologies.
* If one cop in Kolkata and one in Bangalore is terminated of his duties for throwing the Indian national flag on ground, by mistake.

Then why double standards:

* During the ongoing Amarnath Sangarsh, Jammuites holding the Indian National Flag and chanting 'Bharat Mata ki Jai' are open fired by the J&K Police on orders from the Police Commissioner(belongs to kashmir). Peaceful protesters are killed.
* Like in case of Amarnath case, people in Kashmir when want to get some demand fulfilled, protest by burning Indian national Flag, hosting Pakistani Flag and chanting 'Hindustan Murdabad, Pakistan Jindabad'. But no body condemns. Infact, all such protest are followed by a team of union ministers visiting Kashmir and immediately sanctioning a few thousand crore rupees for Kashmiris.
* Every year on 14th Aug (Pakistani Indipendence Day), Pakistani flag is hosted every where in Kashmir, including the govt. buildings and on 15th Aug, same people burn the Indian flag.

This only happens in India!!!!

just see d pictures

really shame on indian media

who never shows these pics ........

shame shame shame

Hosting Pakistani Flag and burning Indian Flag

A Kashmiri separatist leader burning the Indian Flag .wat nonsense is this??????????????

see pics:

NOTE: Every body feel free to copy this blog and make your own and put these articles on it and protect your dharma also you can sign up for google Adsense account and make some money but please use 50% of the money earned from such blog for the protection of dharma or feeding the poor, only money making should not be the purpose of the blog but it is offered to you to encourage the promotion of these articles as we want every hindu to read these articles and after somuch discussion we found above way is the best to reach our target audience, make sure you interpret the above paragraph correctly

also please aesaa koi kaam na karein jis se iss desh ke liye shahid hone walo kee aatma ko thes pahoche

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